Inspire yourself with our creations

Essedi has almost a decade of experience in software, app and web development. Here we present what we believe are our best hits, but they are not all of them, there is much more!
AllMobile AppsE-commerceERP and Company ManagementArtificial IntelligenceInternet of things

Essedi is a company dedicated to development and management of IT projects. With almost a decade of experience developing APPs, Webs, Internet of Things and cloud infrastructures.


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    Essedi IT Consulting SL. Av.da Conte de Serrallo 41. 46250 L’Alcudia (Valencia) – España – CIF: B98681025 - All rights reserved

    Essedi IT Consulting SL. Av.da Conte de Serrallo 41. 46250 L’Alcudia (Valencia) – España – CIF: B98691025
