Facebook Buys Whatsapp


Facebook, the social network that counts with the greatest number of users, buys, for almost 14 billion euros, the instant messaging service WhatsApp.

The news was in the air for some time now. The social network Facebook or, better said, the company that owns it is on a extreme shopping phase.

It’s official that the last super-buying item for the Menlo Park was the instant messaging service WhatsApp, which has more than 400 million users who use it daily.

The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckemberg states that for users of whatsapp will not change anything. The agreement provides that the service will remain free and Ads-free.

However, the same can not be said  for the content of whatsapp messages, the amount of messages sent every day from the instant messaging service will now be at the complete disposal of Facebook that may, by some BigData algorithm , analyze and find ways to monetize.

Facebook, as well as other Bigs of internet, gets more and more into our lives.

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